Saturday, November 22, 2008

Preparation is Key

There's a saying, a bit management-speak but here goes anyway: "Perfect planning prevents p***-poor performance." Any trip requires some preparation (or should do!) so it stands to reason that a big trip probably needs quite a bit of preparation. But, not one to be constrained by conventional wisdom and the like, I went my own way. Three days before leaving the country(/continent!) I still hadn't finished moving out of my house, changed addresses with all those boring organisations (you know, banks, etc.) arranged final bills or got a backpack! However, don't be misled that this first post is starting on a negative. Far from it! The message is that success can emerge from even the most (admittedly, self-engineered) hopeless circumstances. After all, I had managed to make sure I had a passport, choose destinations where I didn't need to arrange a visa in advance, booked my ticket and even had the remarkable foresight to put some clothes to one side before moving out, which was a good thing because all the rest of my possesions then ended up in 101 anonymous looking boxes and bags.

And so here I am, congratulating myself on success in the midst of chaos, and with the first destination on my trip already behind me (New York). I'm now in LA, it's hot outside (yes, HOT) and I'm looking forward to flying to the Cook Islands tomorrow. More on NY and LA in a later post though.

For now, the summary is this. My trip has begun. It's working. It's happening. Hurrah!

Well... perfection is boring anyway!